Kiedis – I Could Die For You

31 Jul

Rodkiedis Cover I could die for you

Online source: Kiedis – I Could Die For You sheet music

Anthony Kiedis Top 10 Vocals. Anthony Kiedis Top 10 Vocals.

What or who has influenced you the most to be the person you are today?

Online source: Kiedis – I Could Die For You sheet music

My dad. He’s probably like my best friend.. We have so many similarities and share a lot of interests. And he said if there’s one person that he trusts that’ll take care of him when he grows old, it’ll be me.

My mom, who helped me become strong and opinionatedMy dad, even though I was very young when he died, he told me as a baby “opinions are like a**cracks. Everyone has one” which I live by todayAnthony Kiedis, whose music inspired me and helped me through a lot. His life was inspiring too.

When I was 16 my father started educating me about the stock market. He’s in heaven and I thank him every day.

My mum has influenced my sense of humour, which is something that is really useful. uncle’s sudden, unexpected death last year has changed my perspective. It made me realise that life is short and we could go at any time. So even though I have had a few nasty life experiences and went through a time of feeling low and negative – I now pick myself up quickly when I’m feeling upset, in fact I’m rarely upset at all now. I enjoy life and take risks, I have thrown myself into doing lots of new things and having new experiences and I even recently gave my number to a guy I really liked for months and took that risk – I would never ever normally do that. It was absolutely fine and Im so glad I did it, otherwise it would have dragged out for months..’what if?’Life is much better when you take risks (within reason) =)

mom and dad and when they’re not around, people at church. im lucky i was surround by good role models or else who knows what bad influence await me. the devil is always recruiting fine young men&women

Do any members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers still use drugs? Just wondering if any of them did?
Kiedis often battled with drug addiction, including lengthy addictions to heroin and cocaine, from a very young age. Since his father was an addict, Kiedis was constantly around his drug-using and dealing father, as well as his father’s friends, who engaged in the same activities. Some of Kiedis’ early drug use came from substances he got from his father, including marijuana, which he first smoked when he was 11 years old. He used drugs for years, even into the formation of the band, where other members were also using. He tried to get clean after Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist Hillel Slovak died of a heroin overdose (specifically using the method of speedballing) on June 25, 1988, saying he would never shoot up again. He entered rehab and ended up staying clean for five years but relapsed in 1994 and kept using on and off over the next six years. The last major relapse was instigated by a New Zealand doctor prescribing him Ultram despite Kiedis specifically asking for drugs that are not in the opiate family. To a recovering heroin addict, the synthetic opiate only gave rise to strong cravings. This last relapse, as many previous ones, was to a degree also a byproduct of a tumultuous relationship with a woman. He has reportedly avoided another relapse since December 24, 2000. “It’s easy to be a junkie, but it’s not easy to be one of the best guitarists or songwriters of all time,” Kiedis said in the March 2007 issue of Blender. So, back then, yes (All of Them). Now, no (All of them don’t use drugs anymore). And if your a big RHCP fan read “Scar Tissue”. Scar Tissue is the autobiography of Red Hot Chili Peppers vocalist Anthony Kiedis. It was released in 2004 by Hyperion and authored by Kiedis with Larry Sloman, who compiled information and interviewed various parties associated with the plot line. The story follows Kiedis from his birth in 1962 to the (then) present day of early 2004. It follows Kiedis into the depth of his experiences with drug addiction

Is the song Dani California about a girl that comits suiside? i just want to know before i get it. cuz if it is then i dont want it
The song is about a friend of Anthony Kiedis’, a girl named dani, who commited suicide. She lived a crazy life: was pregnant as a teen, robbed banks, was a prostitute, did drugs, was poor her entire life. She was such a wild child because of what the world has turned into. Because California is a trend setting city and is becoming such a bad place (Californication). Anthony knows what a great person she could have been if she wasn’t born into such a cruel world. He fell in love with her after her suicide and fell that much further from love with society, “simultanious release”.or that is just a sexual refrence..ha Anthony knows “what others have died to proove” and this song is a simple tribute to his friend dani and he is singing about how she won’t be lost and a lesson will be learned from her life. That lesson is preached by Anthony (society’s priest) in the song DANI CALIFORNIA

ummm listen to the words its kinda obvious it is..lookin down the barrel of a hot metal forty five, witha name like dani california knew the day was gonna come when i was gonna morn ya, california rest in peace?hello

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